Simplified Carbon Credit Purchasing
Securely finance certified, low-carbon projects
Fund certified, low-carbon projects that support your organisation’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with science and preserve and regenerate carbon sinks, and support sustainable development on site. Choose projects that align with your climate strategy and matter to your stakeholders.
Brought to you by the climate experts at EcoAct, Going4Zero is an easy-to-use platform that supports the management, monitoring and reporting of your carbon offsetting strategy.
Your journey to net-zero
1. Measure your emissions
The first step to net-zero: measuring the emissions generated by your organisation’s activity.
2. Reduce your
Reduce the GHG emissions of your value chain, accounting for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
3. Finance low-carbon projects
Support low-carbon projects beyond your company’s value chain.
4. Communicate your action
Communicate about your net-zero transition in a comprehensive and transparent manner.
Explore our projects
Choose from our wide range of projects, including reforestation, blue carbon and cookstove projects
What is carbon offsetting?
Carbon offsetting is a powerful tool in the climate change 'tool box'. It involves financing projects that reduce, avoid, or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions equivalent to the residual emissions of an organisation, business, or territory beyond its value chain.
Download our factsheet to learn more.

Why EcoAct?
EcoAct is an international sustainability consultancy and carbon project developer with over 18 years of experience in the Voluntary Carbon Market.
We support companies and organisations by providing the most efficient and holistic solutions to effectively meet the challenges of climate change.
Our impact
Hectars of forest replanted
Jobs in developing countries
Projects worldwide
tCO2e offset
Develop your own project
Developing your own unique project is a great way for your organisation to contribute to net-zero.
EcoAct’s Nature & Technology-Based Solutions team can support you in developing your own offsetting project at the international or local level.

Learn more with EcoAct's free resources
Access our case studies, blog posts and factsheets for more information.
The Asha Reforestation Project
EcoAct, in partnership with Tomorrow’s Foundation, is developing the Asha reforestation project, which aims to revitalise unproductive and degraded lands, improve carbon absorption through vegetation, increase biodiversity, and enhance the livelihoods of local communities.

A guide to building your carbon offsetting strategy
Developing a carbon offsetting strategy should form a core part of your organisation’s transition planning. EcoAct experts are here to help.

What is voluntary carbon offsetting and how can it drive climate action and nature restoration?
Our blog explains what is voluntary carbon offsetting and how it can be used to drive climate action and support nature.