Responding to CDP in 2024?

As a CDP Gold accredited provider, we have experience helping organisations to disclose against the framework and increase their score.

Download our new Factsheet for everything you need to know about CDP and the latest questionnaire updates.
Whether you are a long-time CDP responder or this is your first reporting cycle, our factsheet will help you to prepare with:

  • An overview of CDP and the questionnaires
  • The questionnaire updates in 2024
  • Advice on how to maximise your disclosure
Download the Factsheet now!


Gold accredited CDP provider


Our clients made up 6% of the CDP A List in 2023


360+ international climate experts

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One of the largest global reporting platforms

"CDP is recognised as a gold standard for environmental disclosure and every year, CDP participation continues to grow significantly. With mandatory disclosure regulation becoming more prevalent in many countries and increased investor interest, it is imperative that companies understand what is being requested of them."

Caoimhe Costigan, Senior Consultant & Technical Lead on CDP at EcoAct Northern Europe